What God says about… Anger

Anger can lead to murder : Genesis 4:3-8

Anger leads to evil actions : Psalm 37:8

Showing anger is foolish : Proverbs 12:16

Gentle words can soothe anger : Proverbs 15:1

Being quick tempered is foolish : Ecclesiastes 7:9

God becomes angry when we are ruled by anger : Amos 1:11

Anger is like murdering some one : Matthew 5:21-22

Jesus grew angry at sin : John 2:13-17

Anger can give Satan a place in your life : Ephesians 4:26-27

Christians should get rid of anger : Colossians 3:8

Leaders in the church should not be quick tempered : Titus 1:7

Be slow to become angry : James 1:9