Preparation 21 Devotional – Day 3

Let It Go With the pressure of society today, we all can feel the pressure to have life all figured out.  It can be a very heavy burden to bear in light of our surrounding expectations.  While being a disciple of Christ though, we are called to something better! I...

Preparation 21 Devotional – Day 2

Open Heart Surgery When Jesus told us in Matthew 6:21, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also,” he was showing us how we can identify idols in our life.  If we begin to find our thoughts constantly being drawn to making more money, or to getting a...

Preparation 21 Devotional – Day 1

Giving IT Up Have you ever stopped to wonder why you chose to fast?  Why am I giving up ______________ for 21 days? What do I hope to accomplish at the end of these 21 days?  Today take time to write out some goals, dreams, or prayers, that you would like to see come...