How to use your Life Journal

Getting Acquainted

• Table of Contents

Look over your journal. You’ll notice that in the beginning, there are tow pages which will become your Table of Contents. This will be filled correspondingly after you do your journal entry.

• Prayer: Requests & Answers

Before the Bible Reading Plan is the Prayer List. Here you will record those items, people, and upcoming plans you are praying for. Enter the date that you began praying for this and when God answers it, enter that date as well. When you complete one journal, transfer those prayers yet to be answered to your new one. Pray until God answered.

• Bible Reading Plan

Following a reading program is important for accountability, discipline, and for systematic instruction in God’s Word. This program is found under the Bible Reading Plan tab.

• Daily Pages

The Daily Pages will be where you will make your entries as you follow the Bible Reading Plan. You will need to number these pages individually.

• Scripture Memorization

Memorizing God’s Word enables us to become more and more like Jesus. It renews our hearts and transforms our minds. As we speak the Word, our minds intuitively become like the mind of Christ.

How this Life Journal can help you

• Listen: “I will teach you and instruct you in the way you should go…” (Psalm 32:8)

God is speaking and He wants to walk daily with you! This Life Journal will help you to capture and catalog the lessons He teaches in a way that will help you grow.

• Inquire: “You will seek Me and find Me when you seek with all of your heart.” (Jer. 29:13, NIV)

God wants us to seek Him with all our hearts, and when we do, He meets us right where we’re at. This journal will encourage and remind you daily that He waits for you.

• Faith: “Discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness.” (1 Tim. 4:7)

Our faith will grow as we get to know Him more. This journal will help add the substance of faith to your life.

• Experience: “If you know these things, you are blessed if you do them (Jn. 13:17)

It is not only knowing things that build our faith; it is doing them! Applying the lessons God is teaching us brings a blessing.

How to use this Life Journal

• Step 1

Find the scriptures for today in the Bible Reading Plan (see pages 14-17).

• Step 2

Read the passages. Read with an open heart and Jesus will give you of encouragement, direction, and correction. (2 Tim. 3:16)

• Step 3

When Jesus gives you a life lesson, turn to a fresh page in your “Daily Pages” to record what He has just shown you.

• Write today’s date.

• Give your lesson a title.

• Write down the main Scripture. (Scripture)

• Write what you see in the Scripture. (Observation)

• Write how you will be different today because of what you have just read. (Application)

• Write out your prayer. (Prayer) (See example on page 9)

• Step 4

Turn to the Table of Contents. Write your entry by date, Scripture, topic, title, and page. (See example on page 11.)

• Step 5

Conclude your daily devotional time by turning to the Prayer List and then pray for what you have written down.

• Remember, this Life Journal is designed to serve you in growth with Christ. You can be flexible in how you use it, but be sure to develop a healthy habit of spending time daily with the Lord.

• Some have asked, “When is the best time for my devotions?” In the morning or evening?

• My answer to that is, “The best time is when you’re at your best!” If you’re a morning person, do your devotions in the morning. If you’re an evening person, do your devotions at night. The bottom line is:

• “Jesus deserves your best, so give Him the best part of your day!”

• S – Scripture (example)

“What I tell you in the darkness, speak in the light; and what you hear whispered in your ear, proclaim upon the housetops.” (Mt.10:2)

• O – Observation (example)

If I am not hearing Him in the darkness, what will I speak in the light?! If I am not hearing Him whisper in my ear, what will I proclaim on the house tops?!

• A – Application (example)

What a great word! This scripture reminds me to not only talk to God in prayer, but equally important is to hear Him in prayer!

• P – Prayer (example)

“Dear Jesus, help me to hear You today! I want to be still that I may hear Your marching orders for my day, for my week, for my life. Speak Lord! Your servant is listening!

• Write all the words which I have spoken to you in a book. (Jeremiah 30:2)

• When reading the Bible, look for:

• Lessons to be learned.

• Examples to be followed.

• Promises to be enjoyed.

• Jesus to be revealed.