It’s been said that theologians try to make simple things complex but the job of a minister is to make complex things simple. All too often in searching out the “deep things of God” we overlook the simplicity of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As a result we unintentionally end up only confusing and frustrating the very people we are trying to draw to the Lord. The man or woman who is far from God doesn’t need an eschatological explanation of the seventy weeks of Daniel. What they need is for us to lovingly show them through Scripture their need for a Savior who can reconcile them to their Heavenly Father. They need to know that the satisfaction they are looking for cannot to be found in pleasure, wealth, success, or whatever else they may be chasing; but it is found only in a relationship with the Son of God. Most of all what they need is for us to be the “salt” and “light” that Jesus commanded us to be. We will never have significant influence over others if there is only a marginal distinction between the way that we live our lives and the way in which they live theirs.

At this point you might be asking, “What does all that have to do with me? You just said ministers have that responsibility.” I would remind you that all believers are ministers. The Book of Ephesians states in the fourth chapter that those of us in the “five-fold” ministry are to equip the saints for the work of the ministry. Whether you feel like one or not, as a follower of Jesus you are a saint in God’s estimation. That honor is bestowed upon you not because of anything you have done, but because He has imputed the righteousness of God through faith in Christ to you (Romans 3:22 – paraphrased). As a saint of God your primary ministry is that of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5 – paraphrased). I would encourage you to reach out to those in your realm of influence and share with them the life-changing message of the Gospel of Grace. Speaking from personal experience, I can tell you that there is nothing as rewarding than letting God use you to lead someone who is far from Him into a relationship with Him. Ultimately the responsibility to change their hearts lies with God; we just need to be obedient and willing to reflect the love of Jesus. It’s as simple as the lyrics to the song that we sung as children, “This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine…”

Barry Hinkle, Senior Associate Pastor

Barry focuses on guiding and supporting Life Groups and coaching and developing their leaders. He also serves on the Executive Board. (Read More)