Ever since mankind had to leave the Garden of Eden, he has been trying to get back to a perfect place to relieve the toils and troubles of this world.  Through Jesus’ salvation, we have the assurance of heaven – that “blessed hope” (Titus 2:13) –  someday.  But until that time, we live in an imperfect place where there are lots of people around us with hurts and pains.  We can’t just ignore their problems by looking forward to our “heaven by and by”.  Sometimes we have to give up our own wants and wishes to be able to help others in dire situations.  These persons  are put into our paths so that we can be witnesses to God’s love here on earth.

I have recently heard of a few of these acts which have been offered by some in our body:  a person giving a gift to someone she didn’t even know because a need was made known;  a woman spending the entire night with a friend who was dying just because the friend didn’t want to be alone;  a young new believer trying to give hope to some friends by spreading God’s good news of salvation to them;  another member relieving some mundane daily chores for a family going through grief;  a man offering up vacation time to talk with a desperate friend.  There are many other services of which I am not aware.  I’m sure the Lord’s commendation to all of them is, “Well done, faithful servant.”  When we do these things in the name of Jesus, we are telling people that there is a God who loves and cares about them.   We need to keep spreading this message about His love for the time that we are here while we also look forward to His return.

Lynda Daniel, Associate Pastor of Pastoral Care

Serving in Pastoral Care, Lynda makes nursing home and hospital visits. Additionally, she serves on the Worship Team as a vocalist and serves with her husband as leader of a Life Group. (Read More)