How is your Bible reading going? Pastor Barry challenged us at the start of 2012 to read the Bible through in a year. Not as a resolution but as a “Godly Goal” you are committed to.

I myself decided to do it but a little differently than I have in times past… I am reading it through chronologically! I have so enjoyed reading “as it happened”. I have also tried something new as well, I am tweeting significant passages (well, they’re significant to me anyway!).

God will use His Word to encourage, chasten, impart, and teach us. It is so important that we are not only reading but also asking, “What is it you want me to hear in this passage?”

Let me share just a few things I have heard over the last couple of days in my reading:

The LORD my God is near to me whenever I call on Him. Deut 4:7 (Backing up what Pastor John shared in his sermon on 11th)

If I want to live, prosper; prolong my days I must walk in the way that the Lord has commanded. Deut 5:33

I will love the Lord with all my heart and with all my soul and with all my strength. Deut 6:5

I will never forget that it was the Lord who brought me out and set me free. Deut 6:12

God has chosen me, Robbie, out of all the people on the face of the earth to be his… his treasured possession. Deut 7:6

I have no reason to fear anyone (or anything)… for the Lord, my God, (who is close to me) is great and awesome! Deut 7:21

I am the Lords very own child… So Robbie, you shouldn’t be surprised when His love shows up as a spanking. Deut 8:5

It is absolutely amazing how Jesus will speak to you through His Word. You will receive everything you need from it (Deut 8:3).

Let me encourage you… if you are behind on your reading commitment, just start from where you left off. If you never started, it’s not to late to begin! Just click on this link, pick a reading plan and you can get started today!!!

About Robbie

As Senior Associate, Robbie oversees day-to-day operations and staff in areas of communications, events, facilities and internet technology. Robbie also speaks on Sunday mornings periodically. (Read More)